package; import java.util.Random; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import; import; import; import ch.asynk.tankontank.TankOnTank; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.Pawn; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.Board; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.Orientation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.Meteorology; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.PossiblePaths; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.Animation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.AnimationSequence; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.ShotAnimation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.SoundAnimation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.RunnableAnimation; public abstract class Map extends Board { private final Ctrl ctrl; private Random rand = new Random(); public final HexSet possibleMoves; public final PossiblePaths possiblePaths; public final UnitList moveableUnits; public final UnitList possibleTargets; public final UnitList engagementAssists; public final UnitList activatedUnits; public final UnitList breakUnits; public final ObjectiveSet objectives; public final Meteorology meteorology; private final Sound moveSound; private Sound sound; private long soundId = -1; private Animation animationClosure; protected abstract void setup(); public class Engagement { public int d1; public int d2; public int unitCount; public int flankBonus; public int unitDefense; public int terrainDefense; public int weatherDefense; public int attack; public int defense; public String msg; public void set(int d1, int d2, int cnt, int flk, int def, int tdf, int wdf, String msg) { this.d1 = d1; this.d2 = d2; this.unitCount = cnt; this.flankBonus = flk; this.unitDefense = def; this.terrainDefense = tdf; this.weatherDefense = wdf; this.msg = msg; this.attack = (d1 + d2 + unitCount + flankBonus); this.defense = (unitDefense + terrainDefense + weatherDefense); } } private Engagement engagement; public int d6() { return rand.nextInt(6) + 1; } public Map(final TankOnTank game, Board.Config cfg, String textureName) { super(game.factory, cfg, game.manager.get(textureName, Texture.class)); this.ctrl = game.ctrl; this.moveSound = game.manager.get("sounds/move.mp3", Sound.class); ShotAnimation.init( game.manager.get("data/shots.png", Texture.class), 1, 7, game.manager.get("data/explosions.png", Texture.class), 16, 8, game.manager.get("sounds/shot.mp3", Sound.class), game.manager.get("sounds/short_shot.mp3", Sound.class), game.manager.get("sounds/explosion.mp3", Sound.class), game.manager.get("sounds/explosion_short.mp3", Sound.class) ); setup(); possibleMoves = new HexSet(this, 40); possiblePaths = new PossiblePaths(this, 10, 20, 5, 10); moveableUnits = new UnitList(6); possibleTargets = new UnitList(10); engagementAssists = new UnitList(6); activatedUnits = new UnitList(7); breakUnits = new UnitList(4); objectives = new ObjectiveSet(this, 4); meteorology = new Meteorology(); engagement = new Engagement(); } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); clearAll(); moveSound.dispose();; } public void clearAll() { possibleMoves.clear(); possibleTargets.clear(); possiblePaths.clear(); moveableUnits.clear(); engagementAssists.clear(); activatedUnits.clear(); breakUnits.clear(); } public Hex getHexAt(float x, float y) { return (Hex) getTileAt(x, y); } public Hex getHex(int col, int row) { return (Hex) getTile(col, row); } public void addObjective(int col, int row, Army army) { objectives.add(getHex(col, row), army, true); } public void addHoldObjective(int col, int row, Army army) { objectives.add(getHex(col, row), army, false); } public int collectPossibleMoves(Unit unit) { if (!unit.canMove()) { possibleMoves.clear(); return 0; } return collectPossibleMoves(unit, possibleMoves.asTiles()); } public int togglePossiblePathHex(Hex hex) { return possiblePaths.toggleCtrlTile(hex); } public int collectPossibleTargets(Unit unit, UnitList foes) { if (!unit.canEngage()) { possibleTargets.clear(); return 0; } // return collectPossibleTargets(unit, possibleTargets); return collectPossibleTargets(unit, foes.asPawns(), possibleTargets.asPawns()); } public int collectMoveableUnits(Unit unit) { if (unit.isHq() && !unit.movement.entryMove) { collectMoveAssists(unit, moveableUnits.asPawns()); } else { moveableUnits.clear(); } if (unit.canMove()) moveableUnits.add(unit); return moveableUnits.size(); } public int collectAttackAssists(Unit unit, Unit target, UnitList units) { int s = collectAttackAssists(unit, target, units.asPawns(), engagementAssists.asPawns()); activatedUnits.add(unit); return s; } public boolean toggleAttackAssist(Unit unit) { if (activatedUnits.contains(unit)) { activatedUnits.remove(unit); unit.hideAttack(); unit.showAttackAssist(); return false; } else { activatedUnits.add(unit); unit.showAttack(); unit.hideAttackAssist(); return true; } } public void collectAndShowMovesAndAssits(Unit unit) { hidePossibleMoves(); hideMoveableUnits(); collectPossibleMoves(unit); collectMoveableUnits(unit); showPossibleMoves(); showMoveableUnits(); activatedUnits.clear(); } public int animationsDone() { if (animationClosure != null) { addAnimation(animationClosure); animationClosure = null; return 1; } return 0; } // ACTIONS public void actionDone() { objectives.forget(); } public boolean enterBoard(Unit unit, Hex to, int allowedMoves) { Orientation entry = findBestEntry(unit, to, allowedMoves); if (entry == Orientation.KEEP) return false; return enterBoard(unit, to, entry); } public boolean enterBoard(Unit unit, Hex to, Orientation entry) { unit.enterBoard(to, entry); setPawnOnto(unit, to, entry); objectives.claim(to, unit.getArmy()); return true; } public void leaveBoard(Unit unit) { Hex hex = unit.getHex(); if (unit.movement.entryMove) { objectives.revert(); unit.reset(); } removePawn(unit); activatedUnits.add(unit); } public int moveUnit(Unit unit, Orientation o) { possiblePaths.orientation = o; movePawn(unit, possiblePaths, notifyDoneAnimation(unit), objectives); return startMove(unit); } public void revertMoves() { TankOnTank.debug(" revertMoves()"); for (Unit unit: activatedUnits) { revertLastPawnMove(unit, notifyDoneAnimation(unit)); } activatedUnits.clear(); objectives.revert(); } private int startMove(Unit unit) { moveableUnits.remove(unit); activatedUnits.add(unit); sound = moveSound; soundId =; return moveableUnits.size(); } private RunnableAnimation notifyDoneAnimation(final Unit unit) { return RunnableAnimation.get(unit, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { animationDone(); } }); } private void animationDone() { TankOnTank.debug("animation done"); if (soundId >= 0) addAnimation( SoundAnimation.get(SoundAnimation.Action.FADE_OUT, sound, soundId, ctrl.cfg.fxVolume, 0.5f)); soundId = -1; ctrl.animationDone(); } private boolean resolveFight(Unit unit, final Unit target) { int d1 = d6(); int d2 = d6(); int die = d1 + d2; boolean success = false; if (die == 2) { engagement.set(d1, d2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, target.toString() + " is destroyed"); success = false; } else if (die == 12) { engagement.set(d1, d2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, target.toString() + " resisted the assault"); success = true; } else { int distance = 0; boolean night = ( == Meteorology.Day.NIGHT); boolean flankAttack = false; boolean terrainBonus = true; for (Pawn assist : activatedUnits) { if (assist.isFlankAttack()) flankAttack = true; if (assist.isA(Unit.UnitType.INFANTRY)) terrainBonus = false; if (night) { int d = distance(assist.getTile(), target.getTile()); if (d > distance) distance = d; } } int cnt = activatedUnits.size(); int def = target.getDefense(unit.getTile()); int flk = (flankAttack ? Unit.FLANK_ATTACK_BONUS : 0); int tdf = (terrainBonus ? target.getTile().defense() : 0); int wdf = 0; if (night) { if (distance > 3) wdf = 3; else if (distance > 2) wdf = 2; else if (distance > 1) wdf = 1; } int s1 = (die + cnt + flk); int s2 = (def + tdf + wdf); success = (s1 >= s2); engagement.set(d1, d2, cnt, flk, def, tdf, wdf, target.toString() + (success ? " is destroyed" : " resisted the assault")); } ctrl.hud.engagementSummary(engagement); return success; } public void addEngagementAnimation(Unit target) { ShotAnimation.resetSound(); Hex to = target.getHex(); for (Unit u : activatedUnits) { Hex from = u.getHex(); AnimationSequence seq = AnimationSequence.get(2); seq.addAnimation(ShotAnimation.get(ctrl.cfg.fxVolume, (u.getWidth() / 2.f), from.getX(), from.getY(), to.getX(), to.getY())); seq.addAnimation(notifyDoneAnimation(target)); addAnimation(seq); } } public boolean engageUnit(Unit unit, final Unit target) { boolean mayReroll = false; for (Unit assist : activatedUnits) { if (assist.isAce()) mayReroll = true; } boolean success; success = resolveFight(unit, target); if (!success && mayReroll) { TankOnTank.debug("Reroll"); success = resolveFight(unit, target); } breakUnits.clear(); for (Unit u : activatedUnits) { u.engage(); if (u.isA(Unit.UnitType.INFANTRY)) breakUnits.add(u); } if ((activatedUnits.size() == 1) && unit.isA(Unit.UnitType.AT_GUN) && target.isHardTarget()) activatedUnits.clear(); if (success) { animationClosure = RunnableAnimation.get(target, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { objectives.unclaim(target.getHex()); removePawn(target); animationDone(); } }); } addEngagementAnimation(target); return success; } // SHOW / HIDE public void togglePathOverlay(Hex hex) { boolean enable= !hex.isOverlayEnabled(Hex.MOVE); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.MOVE, enable); } private void showUnitsOverlay(UnitList units, int overlay, boolean on) { for (Unit unit : units) unit.enableOverlay(overlay, on); } public void showMoveableUnits() { showUnitsOverlay(moveableUnits, Unit.MOVE, true); } public void hideMoveableUnits() { showUnitsOverlay(moveableUnits, Unit.MOVE, false); } public void showPossibleTargets() { showUnitsOverlay(possibleTargets, Unit.TARGET, true); } public void hidePossibleTargets() { showUnitsOverlay(possibleTargets, Unit.TARGET, false); } public void showAttackAssists() { showUnitsOverlay(engagementAssists, Unit.MAY_FIRE, true); } public void hideAttackAssists() { showUnitsOverlay(engagementAssists, Unit.FIRE, false); showUnitsOverlay(engagementAssists, Unit.MAY_FIRE, false); } public void showBreakUnits() { showUnitsOverlay(breakUnits, Unit.MOVE, true); } public void hideBreakUnits() { showUnitsOverlay(breakUnits, Unit.MOVE, false); } public void showPossibleMoves() { possibleMoves.enable(Hex.AREA, true); } public void hidePossibleMoves() { possibleMoves.enable(Hex.AREA, false); } public void showPossiblePaths() { possiblePaths.enable(Hex.AREA, true); } public void hidePossiblePaths() { possiblePaths.enable(Hex.AREA, false); } public void showPath(Hex dst) { possiblePaths.enable(Hex.MOVE, true); showMove(dst); } public void hidePath(Hex dst) { possiblePaths.enable(Hex.MOVE, false); hideMove(dst); } public void selectHex(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.SELECT, true); } public void unselectHex(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.SELECT, false); } public void showMove(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.MOVE, true); } public void hideMove(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.MOVE, false); } public void showDirections(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.DIRECTIONS, true); } public void hideDirections(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.DIRECTIONS, false); } public void showOrientation(Hex hex, Orientation o) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.ORIENTATION, o, true); } public void hideOrientation(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.ORIENTATION, false); } public void hideObjective(Hex hex) { enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE, false); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_US, false); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_GE, false); } public void showObjective(Hex hex, Army army) { switch(army) { case GE: enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_GE, true); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_US, false); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE, false); break; case US: enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_GE, false); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_US, true); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE, false); break; case NONE: default: enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_GE, false); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE_US, false); enableOverlayOn(hex, Hex.OBJECTIVE, true); break; } } }