package; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.GridPoint2; public class HexMapImage extends Image implements HexMap { static final int x0 = 83; // map offset static final int y0 = 182; // map offset static final int h = 110; // hex side static final float dh = 53.6f; // hex top should be h/2 static final int w = 189; // hex width static final int dw = 94; // half hex should be w/2 static final float H = h + dh; // total height static final float slope = (dh / (float) dw); private int cols; private int rows; private ArrayDeque[][] cells; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HexMapImage(int cols, int rows, Texture texture) { super(texture); cells = new ArrayDeque[rows][]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { if ((i % 2) == 1) cells[i] = new ArrayDeque[cols - 1]; else cells[i] = new ArrayDeque[cols]; } this.cols = cols - 1; this.rows = rows - 1; } public Pawn getTopPawnAt(GridPoint2 cell) { return getTopPawnAt(cell.x, cell.y); } private Pawn getTopPawnAt(int col, int row) { if ((col < 0) || (row < 0)) return null; ArrayDeque st = cells[row][col]; if ((st == null) || (st.size() == 0)) return null; return st.getFirst(); } public Vector2 getHexCenterAt(GridPoint2 cell) { float x = x0 + ((cell.x * w) + (w / 2)); float y = y0 + ((cell.y * H) + (h / 2)); if ((cell.y % 2) == 1) x += dw; return new Vector2(x, y); } public Vector2 getPawnPosAt(Pawn pawn, GridPoint2 cell) { return getPawnPosAt(pawn, cell.x, cell.y); } private Vector2 getPawnPosAt(Pawn pawn, int col, int row) { float x = x0 + ((col * w) + ((w - pawn.getHeight()) / 2)); float y = y0 + ((row * H) + ((h - pawn.getWidth()) / 2)); if ((row % 2) == 1) x += dw; return new Vector2(x, y); } private int pushPawnAt(Pawn pawn, int col, int row) { ArrayDeque st = cells[row][col]; if (st == null) st = cells[row][col] = new ArrayDeque(); st.push(pawn); System.out.println("pushed at: "+col+" " +row); return st.size(); } private void removePawnFrom(Pawn pawn, int col, int row) { if ((col> 0) && (row > 0)) { ArrayDeque st = cells[row][col]; if ((st == null) || (st.size() == 0))"GameScreen", "remove pawn from " + col + ";" + row + " but pawn stack is empty"); else st.remove(pawn); System.out.println("poped from: "+col+" " +row); } } public void movePawnTo(Pawn pawn, Vector3 coords) { GridPoint2 p = getHexAt(null, coords.x, coords.y); movePawnTo(pawn, p.x, p.y, HexOrientation.KEEP); } public void movePawnTo(final Pawn pawn, final int col, final int row, HexOrientation o) { GridPoint2 prev = getHexAt(pawn.getLastPosition()); if (prev != null) removePawnFrom(pawn, prev.x, prev.y); if ((col < 0) || (row < 0)) { pawn.resetMoves(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { GridPoint2 hex = getHexAt(pawn.getLastPosition()); pawn.setZIndex(pushPawnAt(pawn, hex.x, hex.y)); } }); return; } else { int z = pushPawnAt(pawn, col, row); Vector2 pos = getPawnPosAt(pawn, col, row); pawn.pushMove(pos.x, pos.y, z, o); } } private GridPoint2 getHexAt(Vector3 v) { if (v == null) return null; return getHexAt(null, v.x, v.y); } public GridPoint2 getHexAt(GridPoint2 hex, float cx, float cy) { if (hex == null) hex = new GridPoint2(); // compute row int row; boolean oddRow = true; float y = (cy - y0); if (y < 0.f) { row = -1; } else { row = (int) (y / H); oddRow = ((row % 2) == 1); } // compute col int col; float x = (cx - x0); if (oddRow) x -= dw; if (x < 0.f) { col = -1; } else { col = (int) (x / w); } // check upper boundaries float dy = (y - (row * H)); if (dy > h) { dy -= h; float dx = (x - (col * w)); if (dx < dw) { if ((dx * slope) < dy) { row += 1; if (!oddRow) col -= 1; oddRow = !oddRow; } } else { if (((w - dx) * slope) < dy) { row += 1; if (oddRow) col += 1; oddRow = !oddRow; } } } // validate hex if ((col < 0) || (row < 0) || (row > rows) || (col > cols) || (oddRow && ((col +1)> cols))) hex.set(-1, -1); else hex.set(col, row); return hex; } }