package; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import ch.asynk.tankontank.TankOnTank; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.asynk.tankontank.screens.OptionsScreen; public class Ctrl implements Disposable { private final TankOnTank game; public final Battle battle; public Map map; public Hud hud; public Config cfg; public Player player; public Player opponent; public boolean blockMap; public boolean blockHud; private State selectState; private State pathState; private State rotateState; private State promoteState; private State engageState; private State breakState; private State animationState; private State reinforcementState; private int animationCount = 0; private State state; private StateType stateType; private StateType stateAfterAnimation; public Ctrl(final TankOnTank game, final Battle battle) { = game; this.battle = battle; this.cfg = game.config; game.ctrl = this; this.player = battle.getFirstPlayer(); this.opponent = battle.getSecondPlayer(); = battle.getMap(); battle.setup(map, player, opponent); this.selectState = new StateSelect(this, map); this.pathState = new StateMove(); this.rotateState = new StateRotate(); this.promoteState = new StatePromote(); this.engageState = new StateEngage(); this.breakState = new StateBreak(); this.animationState = new StateAnimation(); this.reinforcementState = new StateReinforcement(); this.state = selectState; this.stateType = StateType.DONE; this.hud = new Hud(this, game); this.blockMap = false; this.blockHud = false; hud.notify(battle.toString(), 2, Position.MIDDLE_CENTER, false); startPlayerTurn(); setState(battle.getState(player)); } @Override public void dispose() { hud.dispose(); map.dispose(); } public boolean mayProcessTouch() { return (state != animationState); } public boolean isInAction() { return (state != selectState); } public void setAnimationCount(int count) { animationCount = count; } public void animationDone() { animationCount -= 1; if (animationCount == 0) { StateType tmp = stateAfterAnimation; stateAfterAnimation = StateType.DONE; setState(tmp); } if (animationCount < 0) TankOnTank.debug(" animationCount < 0"); } private void startPlayerTurn() { player.turnStart(); hud.update(); hud.notify(player.getName() + "'s turn", 2, Position.MIDDLE_CENTER, true); } private void endPlayerTurn() { player.turnEnd(); Player winner = battle.checkVictory(this); if (winner != null) hud.victory(winner, ((winner == player) ? opponent : player)); } private void swicthPlayer() { TankOnTank.debug("Ctrl", "switch Players"); endPlayerTurn(); Player tmp = player; player = opponent; opponent = tmp; startPlayerTurn(); } private StateType actionAborted() { hud.notify("Action canceled"); StateType nextState = this.state.abort(); if (nextState == StateType.ABORT) nextState = battle.getState(player); return nextState; } private StateType actionDone() { StateType nextState = this.state.done(); if (map.activatedPawns.size() > 0) { player.burnDownOneAp(); hud.update(); } if (player.apExhausted()) swicthPlayer(); if (nextState == StateType.DONE) nextState = battle.getState(player); return nextState; } public void stateTouchUp() { this.state.touchUp(); } public void toggleState(StateType stateA, StateType stateB) { if (this.stateType == stateA) { setState(stateB); } else if (this.stateType == stateB) { setState(stateA); } else { TankOnTank.debug("Ctrl", "wrong call to toggleState()"); } } public void setState(StateType nextState) { setState(nextState, battle.getState(player)); } public void setState(StateType nextState, StateType whenDone) { if (nextState == StateType.ABORT) nextState = actionAborted(); else if (nextState == StateType.DONE) nextState = actionDone(); else if (nextState == StateType.ANIMATION) stateAfterAnimation = whenDone; this.state.leave(nextState); TankOnTank.debug(" switch to : " + nextState); switch(nextState) { case SELECT: this.state = selectState; break; case MOVE: this.state = pathState; break; case ROTATE: this.state = rotateState; break; case PROMOTE: this.state = promoteState; break; case ENGAGE: this.state = engageState; break; case BREAK: this.state = breakState; break; case ANIMATION: this.state = animationState; break; case REINFORCEMENT: this.state = reinforcementState; break; default: break; } StateType tmp = stateType; stateType = nextState; this.state.enter(tmp); } public void touchDown(float hx, float hy, float mx, float my) { if (!blockHud && hud.touchDown(hx, hy)) return; if (!blockMap && state.downInMap(mx, my)) state.touchDown(); } public void touchUp(float hx, float hy, float mx, float my) { if (!blockHud && hud.touchUp(hx, hy)) return; if (!blockMap && state.upInMap(mx, my)) state.touchUp(); } public void endGame() { game.setScreen(new OptionsScreen(game)); } public void abortPlayerTurn() { state.abort(); swicthPlayer(); } }