package ch.asynk.tankontank.engine; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; public class PossiblePaths implements Disposable, Iterable { private final Board board; public Pawn pawn; public Tile from; public Tile to; public int distance; public Orientation orientation; private List stack; private List ctrlTiles; private List paths; private List filteredPaths; private HashSet tiles; public PossiblePaths(Board board, int tSize, int stSize, int ftSize, int vectSize) { this.board = board; this.tiles = new LinkedHashSet(tSize); this.stack = new ArrayList(stSize); this.ctrlTiles = new ArrayList(ftSize); this.paths = new LinkedList(); this.filteredPaths = new LinkedList(); = null; this.pawn = null; this.orientation = Orientation.KEEP; } public void init(Pawn pawn, Tile from) { this.pawn = pawn; this.from = from; } public void init(Pawn pawn) { init(pawn, pawn.getTile()); } public boolean isSet() { return (to != null); } @Override public void dispose() { clear(); } public void clear() { = null; this.distance = -1; this.orientation = Orientation.KEEP; for (Path path : this.paths) path.dispose(); for (Path path : this.filteredPaths) path.dispose(); this.tiles.clear(); this.stack.clear(); this.ctrlTiles.clear(); this.paths.clear(); this.filteredPaths.clear(); } public int size() { if (ctrlTiles.size() == 0) return paths.size(); return filteredPaths.size(); } public boolean contains(Tile tile) { return tiles.contains(tile); } public void enable(int i, boolean enable) { for (Tile tile : tiles) board.enableOverlayOn(tile, i, enable); } public int build(Tile to) { clear(); = to; // from and to are not part of the path this.distance = board.distance(from, to); if (distance < 2) { Orientation o = Orientation.fromMove(to.col, to.row, from.col, from.row); Path path = Path.get(0); path.roadMarch = to.road(o); path.cost = to.costFrom(pawn, o); paths.add(path); } else { findAllPaths(from, pawn.getMovementPoints(), true); } // printToErr("paths", paths); stack.clear(); return paths.size(); } private void findAllPaths(Tile from, int mvtLeft, boolean roadMarch) { Tile moves[] = new Tile[6]; board.setAdjacentTiles(from, moves); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Tile next = moves[i]; if ((next == null) || next.isOffMap()) continue; Orientation o = board.getSide(i); int m = (mvtLeft - next.costFrom(pawn, o)); boolean r = roadMarch & next.road(o); int l = (m + (r ? pawn.getRoadMarchBonus() : 0)); if ((board.distance(next, to) <= l)) { if (next == to) { Path path = Path.get(stack.size() + 1); for (Tile t: stack) { path.tiles.add(t); tiles.add(t); } path.roadMarch = r; path.cost = (pawn.getMovementPoints() - m); paths.add(path); } else { stack.add(next); findAllPaths(next, m, r); stack.remove(stack.size() - 1); } } } } public int toggleCtrlTile(Tile tile) { if (ctrlTiles.contains(tile)) ctrlTiles.remove(tile); else ctrlTiles.add(tile); return filterPaths(); } private int filterPaths() { int s = ctrlTiles.size(); tiles.clear(); filteredPaths.clear(); for (Path path : paths) { int ok = 0; for (Tile filter : ctrlTiles) { if (path.tiles.contains(filter)) ok += 1; } if (ok == s) { if (path.tiles.size() == (s + 0)) { // from and to are not part of the path filteredPaths.clear(); filteredPaths.add(path); tiles.clear(); for (Tile tile : path.tiles) tiles.add(tile); break; } else { filteredPaths.add(path); for (Tile tile : path.tiles) tiles.add(tile); } } } // printToErr("filteredPaths", filteredPaths); return filteredPaths.size(); } public void applyToPawn(int i) { pawn.movement.from = from; = to; pawn.movement.orientation = orientation; Path path = paths.get(i); pawn.movement.cost = path.cost; pawn.movement.distance = this.distance; pawn.movement.roadMarch = path.roadMarch; } public int pathCost(int i) { return paths.get(i).cost; } public Path getPath(int i) { if (ctrlTiles.size() == 0) return paths.get(i); return filteredPaths.get(i); } public void setExit(Orientation exit) { Path path = getPath(0); path.cost += 1; path.tiles.add(to); to = board.getAdjTileAt(to, exit); } public int pathSteps(int idx) { int steps = 0; Tile tile = from; Orientation o = pawn.getOrientation(); for (Tile next : getPath(idx).tiles) { Orientation nextO = Orientation.fromMove(tile.col, tile.row, next.col, next.row); if (nextO != o) { steps += 2; o = nextO; } else steps += 1; tile = next; } if (orientation != Orientation.fromMove(tile.col, tile.row, to.col, to.row)) steps += 2; else steps +=1; return steps; } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new Vector3Iterator(pawn, from, to, orientation, getPath(0).tiles); } private void printToErr(String what, List paths) { System.err.println(what + " ("+paths.size()+") " + from + " -> " + to); for (Path path : paths) { System.err.println(String.format(" - path (l:%d c:%d r:%b)", path.tiles.size(), path.cost, path.roadMarch)); for(Tile tile : path.tiles) System.err.println(" " + tile.toString()); } System.err.println(); } } class Vector3Iterator implements Iterator { private Pawn pawn; private Tile to; private Orientation o; private Orientation orientation; private Tile tile; private Vector2 pos = new Vector2(); private Vector3 v = new Vector3(); private int i; private List path; public Vector3Iterator(Pawn pawn, Tile from, Tile to, Orientation orientation, List path) { this.pawn = pawn; = to; this.tile = from; this.orientation = orientation; this.path = path; this.o = pawn.getOrientation(); this.v.set(pawn.getPosition().x, pawn.getPosition().y, o.r()); this.i = 0; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if ((tile == to) && (o == orientation)) return false; return true; } @Override public Vector3 next() { if (tile == to) { v.z = orientation.r(); o = orientation; return v; } Tile nextTile; if (i < path.size()) nextTile = path.get(i); else nextTile = to; Orientation nextO = Orientation.fromMove(tile.col, tile.row, nextTile.col, nextTile.row); if (nextO != o) { v.z = nextO.r(); o = nextO; return v; } pawn.getPosAt(nextTile, pos); v.x = pos.x; v.y = pos.y; tile = nextTile; i += 1; return v; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }