package ch.asynk.tankontank.engine; import java.util.Iterator; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.Image; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.Moveable; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.StackedImages; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.MoveToAnimation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.RunnableAnimation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.AnimationSequence; public abstract class Pawn implements Moveable, Disposable { public interface PawnType { } public class Engagement { Pawn target; int distance; boolean isClear; boolean isFlank; public String calculus; public String toString() { return "engage : " + target + " distance:" + distance + " clear:" + isClear + " flank:" + isFlank + " " + calculus; } public void reset() { target = null; distance = 0;; isClear = false; isFlank = false; } } public class Movement { Tile from; Tile to; int distance; public int cost; boolean roadMarch; public boolean entryMove; Orientation orientation; public String toString() { if (to == null) return "move : HQ activation"; else if (from == null) return "move : reinforcement -> [" + to.col + ";" + to.row + ";" + orientation + "] dist:" + distance + " cost:" + cost + " road:" + roadMarch + " entry:" + entryMove; else return "move : [" + from.col + ";" + from.row + "] -> [" + to.col + ";" + to.row + ";" + orientation + "] dist:" + distance + " cost:" + cost + " road:" + roadMarch + " entry:" + entryMove; } public void setRotation(Tile tile, Orientation o) { from = tile; to = tile; cost = 0; roadMarch = false; entryMove = false; orientation = o; } public void reset() { from = null; to = null; cost = 0; roadMarch = false; entryMove = false; orientation = Orientation.KEEP; } public boolean isRotation() { return (distance == 0); } public boolean isComplete() { return ((from != null) && (to != null)); } } private static final float MOVE_TIME = 0.4f; private Vector3 position; private Vector3 prevPosition; private Tile tile; private Tile prevTile; protected Faction faction; protected String descr; private Image image; private StackedImages overlays; public Engagement engagement = new Engagement(); public Movement movement= new Movement(); public abstract int getMovementPoints(); public abstract int getRoadMarchBonus(); public abstract int getAngleOfAttack(); public abstract int getFlankSides(); public abstract int getEngagementRangeFrom(Tile tile); public abstract boolean isUnit(); public abstract boolean isA(PawnType type); public abstract boolean isHq(); public abstract boolean isHqOf(Pawn other); public abstract boolean isHardTarget(); public abstract boolean canMove(); public abstract boolean canRotate(); public abstract boolean canEngage(); public abstract boolean canEngage(Pawn other); public abstract boolean canAssistEngagementWithoutLos(); public abstract void move(); public abstract void engage(); public abstract void revertLastMove(); protected Pawn() { this.tile = null; this.prevTile = null; this.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); this.prevPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); } public Pawn(Faction faction, String name, TextureAtlas pawns, TextureAtlas overlays) { this(); this.faction = faction; this.descr = descr; this.image = new Image(pawns.findRegion(name)); this.overlays = new StackedImages(overlays); } @Override public String toString() { return descr; } @Override public void dispose() { image.dispose(); } public void reset() { engagement.reset(); movement.reset(); } public void enterBoard(Tile to, Orientation o) { = to; movement.from = null; movement.entryMove = true; movement.orientation = o; movement.cost = to.costFrom(this, o); move(); } public boolean is(Faction faction) { return (this.faction == faction); } public boolean isEnemy(Faction other) { return faction.isEnemy(other); } public boolean isEnemy(Pawn other) { return faction.isEnemy(other.faction); } public boolean isFlankAttack() { return (engagement.isClear && engagement.isFlank); } public Tile getTile() { return tile; } public Tile getPreviousTile() { return prevTile; } public Vector3 getPosition() { return position; } public Vector3 getPreviousPosition() { return prevPosition; } private void revertPosition() { this.tile = this.prevTile; this.prevTile = null; position.set(prevPosition); prevPosition.set(0f, 0f, 0f); setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z); } public Vector2 getCenter() { float x = (getX() + (getWidth() / 2f)); float y = (getY() + (getHeight() / 2f)); return new Vector2(x, y); } public Vector2 getPosAt(Tile tile, Vector2 pos) { float x = (tile.getX() - (getWidth() / 2f)); float y = (tile.getY() - (getHeight() / 2f)); if (pos == null) return new Vector2(x, y); else pos.set(x, y); return pos; } public void setOnTile(Tile tile, float z) { this.prevTile = this.tile; this.tile = tile; float x = (tile.getX() - (getWidth() / 2f)); float y = (tile.getY() - (getHeight() / 2f)); setPosition(x, y, z); } @Override public float getX() { return image.getX(); } @Override public float getY() { return image.getY(); } @Override public float getWidth() { return image.getWidth(); } @Override public float getHeight() { return image.getHeight(); } @Override public float getRotation() { return image.getRotation(); } public Orientation getOrientation() { return Orientation.fromRotation(getRotation()); } public void centerOn(float x, float y) { setPosition((x - (getWidth() / 2f)), (y - (getHeight() / 2f))); } @Override public void setPosition(float x, float y) { position.set(x, y, 0f); image.setPosition(x, y); float cx = x + (getWidth() / 2f); float cy = y + (getHeight() / 2f); overlays.centerOn(cx, cy); } public void setRotation(float z) { position.z = z; image.setRotation(z); overlays.setRotation(z); } @Override public void setPosition(float x, float y, float z) { setPosition(x, y); setRotation(z); } public boolean hasOverlayEnabled() { return overlays.isEnabled(); } public boolean enableOverlay(int i, boolean enable) { overlays.enable(i, enable); if (enable) return true; return hasOverlayEnabled(); } public AnimationSequence getRotateAnimation(float z, int size) { prevPosition.set(position); AnimationSequence seq = AnimationSequence.get(1 + size); seq.addAnimation(MoveToAnimation.get(this, position.x, position.y, z, MOVE_TIME)); return seq; } public AnimationSequence getMoveAnimation(Iterator vectors, int size) { prevPosition.set(position); AnimationSequence seq = AnimationSequence.get(size); while (vectors.hasNext()) seq.addAnimation(MoveToAnimation.get(this,, MOVE_TIME)); return seq; } public AnimationSequence getRevertLastMoveAnimation(int size) { AnimationSequence seq = AnimationSequence.get(2 + size); seq.addAnimation(MoveToAnimation.get(this, prevPosition, MOVE_TIME)); seq.addAnimation(RunnableAnimation.get(this, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { revertPosition(); } })); return seq; } @Override public void draw(Batch batch) { image.draw(batch); overlays.draw(batch); } @Override public void drawDebug(ShapeRenderer debugShapes) { image.drawDebug(debugShapes); overlays.drawDebug(debugShapes); } }