package ch.asynk.tankontank.engine; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.Image; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.Animation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.AnimationSequence; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.RunnableAnimation; import ch.asynk.tankontank.engine.gfx.animations.MoveToAnimation.MoveToAnimationCb; public abstract class Board implements Disposable, Animation { private int cols; private int rows; private final Tile neighbours[] = new Tile[6]; public interface TileBuilder { public Tile getNewTile(float x, float y, int col, int row, boolean offmap); } public static class Config { public int cols; public int rows; public int x0; // bottom left x offset public int y0; // bottom left y offset public int w; // hex width public int dw; // half hex : w/2 public int s; // hex side public float dh; // hex top : s/2 public float h; // square height : s + dh public float slope; // north-west side slope : (dh / (float) dw) } private Config cfg; private Tile[] tiles; private SearchBoard searchBoard; private Image image; private Orientation sides[]; private boolean transform; private Matrix4 prevTransform; private Matrix4 nextTransform; private int tileCount = 0; private int pawnCount = 0; private int animationCount = 0; private final ArrayList animations = new ArrayList(2); private final ArrayList nextAnimations = new ArrayList(2); private final LinkedHashSet tilesToDraw = new LinkedHashSet(); protected Board(int cols, int rows) { // add a frame of OFFMAP Tiles this.cols = (cols + 2); this.rows = (rows + 2); searchBoard = new SearchBoard(this, cols, rows); } public Board(TileBuilder tileBuilder, Config cfg, Texture texture) { image = new Image(texture); this.cfg = cfg; // add a frame of OFFMAP Tiles this.cols = (cfg.cols + 2); this.rows = (cfg.rows + 2); this.tiles = new Tile[this.cols * this.rows]; searchBoard = new SearchBoard(this, cfg.cols, cfg.rows); int idx = 0; boolean evenRow = false; float y = cfg.y0 - cfg.dh + cfg.s - cfg.h; for (int i = -1; i < (cfg.rows + 1); i++) { float x = cfg.x0 + cfg.dw - cfg.w; if (!evenRow) x += cfg.dw; for ( int j = -1; j < (cfg.cols + 1); j ++) { boolean offmap = ((j < 0) || (i < 0) || (j >= cfg.cols) || (i >= cfg.rows)); this.tiles[idx] = tileBuilder.getNewTile(x, y, (j + ((i + 1) / 2)), i, offmap); idx += 1; x += cfg.w; } y += cfg.h; evenRow = !evenRow; } this.sides = new Orientation[6]; sides[0] = Orientation.NORTH; sides[1] = Orientation.NORTH_EAST; sides[2] = Orientation.SOUTH_EAST; sides[3] = Orientation.SOUTH; sides[4] = Orientation.SOUTH_WEST; sides[5] = Orientation.NORTH_WEST; } @Override public void dispose() { image.dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < (this.cols * this.rows); i++) tiles[i].dispose(); tilesToDraw.clear(); for (int i = 0, n = nextAnimations.size(); i < n; i++) nextAnimations.get(i).dispose(); animations.clear(); for (int i = 0, n = animations.size(); i < n; i++) animations.get(i).dispose(); animations.clear(); } public float getWidth() { return image.getWidth(); } public float getHeight() { return image.getHeight(); } public void setPosition(float x, float y) { image.setPosition(x, y); if ((x != 0.0f) || (y != 0.0f)) { transform = true; prevTransform = new Matrix4(); nextTransform = new Matrix4(); nextTransform.translate(x, y, 0); } else transform = false; } public Orientation getSide(int i) { return sides[i]; } public int getTileOffset(int col, int row) { col = (col + 1 - ((row + 1) / 2)); row = (row + 1); if ((col < 0) || (row < 0) || (row >= this.rows) || (col >= this.cols)) return -1; return (col + (row * this.cols)); } protected Tile getTile(int col, int row) { int offset = getTileOffset(col, row); if (offset < 0) return null; return tiles[offset]; } public void setAdjacentTiles(Tile tile, Tile tiles[]) { tiles[0] = getTile((tile.col - 1), (tile.row)); tiles[1] = getTile((tile.col), (tile.row + 1)); tiles[2] = getTile((tile.col + 1), (tile.row + 1)); tiles[3] = getTile((tile.col + 1), (tile.row)); tiles[4] = getTile((tile.col), (tile.row - 1)); tiles[5] = getTile((tile.col - 1), (tile.row - 1)); } public Tile getAdjTileAt(Tile tile, Orientation o) { Tile t = null; switch(o) { case NORTH: t = getTile((tile.col + 1), tile.row); break; case NORTH_EAST: t = getTile(tile.col, (tile.row - 1)); break; case SOUTH_EAST: t = getTile((tile.col - 1), (tile.row - 1)); break; case SOUTH: t = getTile((tile.col - 1), tile.row); break; case SOUTH_WEST: t = getTile(tile.col, (tile.row + 1)); break; case NORTH_WEST: t = getTile((tile.col + 1), (tile.row + 1)); break; } return t; } protected void addAnimation(Animation a) { nextAnimations.add(a); } private void stats() { boolean print = false; if (tileCount != tilesToDraw.size()) { tileCount = tilesToDraw.size(); print = true; } if (animationCount != animations.size()) { animationCount = animations.size(); print = true; } if (print)"Board", " tiles:" + tileCount + " pawns:" + pawnCount + " animations:" + animationCount); } public boolean animate(float delta) { Iterator iter = animations.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Animation a =; if (a.animate(delta)) iter.remove(); } for (int i = 0, n = nextAnimations.size(); i < n; i++) animations.add(nextAnimations.get(i)); nextAnimations.clear(); return true; } public void draw(Batch batch) { image.draw(batch); if (transform) { prevTransform.set(batch.getTransformMatrix()); batch.setTransformMatrix(nextTransform); } Iterator tileIter = tilesToDraw.iterator(); while (tileIter.hasNext()); Iterator animationIter = animations.iterator(); while (animationIter.hasNext()); if (transform) batch.setTransformMatrix(prevTransform); } public void drawDebug(ShapeRenderer debugShapes) { stats(); if (transform) { prevTransform.set(debugShapes.getTransformMatrix()); debugShapes.setTransformMatrix(nextTransform); } Iterator iter = tilesToDraw.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()); Iterator animationIter = animations.iterator(); while (animationIter.hasNext()); if (transform) debugShapes.setTransformMatrix(prevTransform); } protected int collectPossibleMoves(Pawn pawn, Collection moves) { return searchBoard.possibleMovesFrom(pawn, moves); } protected int collectPossibleTargets(Pawn pawn, Collection targets) { return searchBoard.possibleTargetsFrom(pawn, targets); } protected int collectPossibleTargets(Pawn pawn, Collection units, Collection targets) { targets.clear(); for (Pawn target : units) { if (pawn.canEngage(target) && searchBoard.collectAttacks(pawn, target, true)) targets.add(target); } return targets.size(); } protected int collectMoveAssists(Pawn pawn, Collection assists) { assists.clear(); setAdjacentTiles(pawn.getTile(), neighbours); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Tile tile = neighbours[i]; if (tile != null) { Iterator pawns = tile.iterator(); while(pawns.hasNext()) { Pawn p =; if (!pawn.isEnemy(p) && p.canMove()) assists.add(p); } } } return assists.size(); } protected int collectAttackAssists(Pawn pawn, Pawn target, Collection units, Collection assists) { assists.clear(); for (Pawn p : units) { if ((p != pawn) && p.canEngage(target) && searchBoard.collectAttacks(p, target, !p.canAssistEngagementWithoutLos())) assists.add(p); } return assists.size(); } public Orientation findBestEntry(Pawn pawn, Tile to, int allowedMoves) { Orientation entry = Orientation.KEEP; int cost = Integer.MAX_VALUE; boolean road = false; setAdjacentTiles(to, neighbours); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Tile t = neighbours[i]; if (t.isOffMap()) { Orientation o = Orientation.fromAdj(t.col, t.row, to.col, to.row); if (o.isInSides(allowedMoves)) { boolean r = to.road(o); int c = to.costFrom(pawn, o); if ((c < cost) || (r && (c == cost))) { entry = o; cost = c; road = r; } } } } return entry; } public void enableOverlayOn(Tile tile, int i, boolean enable) { if(tile.enableOverlay(i, enable)) tilesToDraw.add(tile); else tilesToDraw.remove(tile); } public void enableOverlayOn(Tile tile, int i, Orientation o, boolean enable) { if(tile.enableOverlay(i, enable, o.r())) tilesToDraw.add(tile); else tilesToDraw.remove(tile); } private int pushPawnOnto(Pawn pawn, Tile tile) { if (!tile.isOffMap()) tilesToDraw.add(tile); return tile.push(pawn); } public int removePawn(Pawn pawn) { Tile tile = pawn.getTile(); if (tile == null) return 0; int n = tile.remove(pawn); if (!tile.mustBeDrawn()) tilesToDraw.remove(tile); return n; } public Pawn setPawnOnto(Pawn pawn, Tile tile, Orientation o) { return setPawnOnto(pawn, tile, o.r()); } public Pawn setPawnOnto(Pawn pawn, Tile tile, float r) { pawn.setOnTile(tile, r); pushPawnOnto(pawn, tile); return pawn; } private RunnableAnimation getSetPawnOntoAnimation(final Pawn pawn) { return RunnableAnimation.get(pawn, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setPawnOnto(pawn,, pawn.movement.orientation); } }); } protected void movePawn(final Pawn pawn, PossiblePaths possiblePaths, RunnableAnimation whenDone, MoveToAnimationCb cb) { possiblePaths.applyToPawn(0); removePawn(pawn); AnimationSequence seq = pawn.getMoveAnimation(possiblePaths.iterator(), (possiblePaths.pathSteps(0) + 2), cb); seq.addAnimation(getSetPawnOntoAnimation(pawn)); seq.addAnimation(whenDone); addAnimation(seq); pawn.move(); } protected void revertLastPawnMove(final Pawn pawn, RunnableAnimation whenDone) { removePawn(pawn); AnimationSequence seq = pawn.getRevertLastMoveAnimation(2); seq.addAnimation(RunnableAnimation.get(pawn, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { pushPawnOnto(pawn, pawn.getTile()); } })); seq.addAnimation(whenDone); addAnimation(seq); pawn.revertLastMove(); } public Tile getTileAt(float mx, float my) { // compute row float y = (my - cfg.y0); int row = (int) (y / cfg.h); boolean oddRow = ((row % 2) == 1); if (y < 0.f) { row = -1; oddRow = true; } // compute col float x = (mx - cfg.x0); if (oddRow) x -= cfg.dw; int col = (int) (x / cfg.w); if (x < 0.f) col = -1; int colOffset = ((row + 1) / 2); // check upper boundaries float dy = (y - (row * cfg.h)); if (dy > cfg.s) { dy -= cfg.s; float dx = (x - (col * cfg.w)); col += colOffset; if (dx < cfg.dw) { if ((dx * cfg.slope) < dy) { // upper left corner row += 1; colOffset = ((row +1) / 2); } } else { if (((cfg.w - dx) * cfg.slope) < dy) { // upper right corner row += 1; col += 1; colOffset = ((row +1) / 2); } } } else col += colOffset; return getTile(col, row); } public int distance(Tile from, Tile to) { return distance(from.col, from.row, to.col, to.row); } public int distance(int col0, int row0, int col1, int row1) { int dx = Math.abs(col1 - col0); int dy = Math.abs(row1 - row0); int dz = Math.abs((col0 - row0) - (col1 - row1)); if (dx > dy) { if (dx > dz) return dx; else return dz; } else { if (dy > dz) return dy; else return dz; } } }