package ch.asynk.rustanddust.util; import java.util.Date; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import com.badlogic.gdx.sql.Database; import com.badlogic.gdx.sql.DatabaseCursor; import com.badlogic.gdx.sql.DatabaseFactory; import com.badlogic.gdx.sql.SQLiteGdxException; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.RustAndDust; import; public class DB { private static final int DB_SCHEMA_VERSION = 1; public static final int NO_RECORD = -1; private static final String DIGEST = "SHA-256"; private static final SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss"); private boolean debug; private Database db; private MessageDigest md; private static final String TBL_CFG_CRT = "create table if not exists" + " config ( key text primary key, value text not null);"; private static final String TBL_PLAYERS_CRT = "create table if not exists" + " players ( _id integer primary key autoincrement" + " ,hash text unique not null, gmail text unique not null, name text not null" + ");"; private static final String TBL_BATTLES_CRT = "create table if not exists" + " battles ( _id integer primary key, name text" + ");"; private static final String TBL_GAMES_CRT = "create table if not exists" + " games ( _id integer primary key autoincrement" + " ,opponent integer not null, battle integer not null, mode integer not null" + " ,ts datetime default current_timestamp" + " ,player integer default null, hash text default null, payload text default null" + " ,foreign key (opponent) references players(_id)" + " ,foreign key (battle) references battles(_id)" + " ,foreign key (player) references players(_id)" + " unique (opponent, battle, mode)" + ");"; private static final String TBL_TURNS_CRT = "create table if not exists" + " turns ( _id integer primary key autoincrement" + " ,game integer not null, player integer not null" + " ,hash text not null, payload text not null" + " ,foreign key (game) references games(_id)" + " ,foreign key (player) references players(_id)" + ");"; private static final String FEED_CONFIG = " insert or ignore into config values(\"version\", " + DB_SCHEMA_VERSION + ");"; public DB(String dbPath, boolean debug) { this.db = DatabaseFactory.getNewDatabase(dbPath, DB_SCHEMA_VERSION, null, null); this.db.setupDatabase(); this.debug = debug; } public void setup() { try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance(DIGEST); } catch ( e) { RustAndDust.error("NoSuchAlgorithm"); } try { db.openOrCreateDatabase(); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("openOrCreateDatabase"); } Boolean version = checkVersion(); if(version == null) createTables(); else if (version == false) System.err.println("TODO update schema"); } private void createTables() { try { exec(TBL_CFG_CRT); exec(TBL_PLAYERS_CRT); exec(TBL_BATTLES_CRT); exec(TBL_GAMES_CRT); exec(TBL_TURNS_CRT); exec(FEED_CONFIG); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("table creation error " + e.getMessage()); } } private String getDigest(String str) { String hash = null; try { hash = new BigInteger(1, md.digest(str.getBytes("UTF-8"))).toString(16); } catch ( e) { RustAndDust.error("getDigest"); } return hash; } private static final String CHECK_VERSION = "select (value=%d) from config where key='version';"; public Boolean checkVersion() { Boolean ret = false; try { DatabaseCursor cursor = query(String.format(CHECK_VERSION, DB_SCHEMA_VERSION )); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {; ret = (cursor.getInt(0) == 1); } } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("checkVersion"); return null; } return ret; } private static final String INSERT_CONFIG = "insert or replace into config(key, value) values ('config','%s');"; public boolean storeConfig(String config) { try { exec(String.format(INSERT_CONFIG, config)); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("storeConfig"); return false; } return true; } private static final String GET_CONFIG = "select value from config where key='config';"; public String loadConfig() { String ret = null; try { DatabaseCursor cursor = query(GET_CONFIG); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {; ret = cursor.getString(0); } } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("loadConfig"); } return ret; } public void storePlayer(String gmail, String name) { String hash = getDigest(String.format("#%s@%s*", gmail, df.format(new Date()))); if (hash != null) storePlayer(gmail, name, hash); } private static final String INSERT_PLAYER = "insert or ignore into players(hash,gmail,name) values ('%s','%s','%s');"; public void storePlayer(String gmail, String name, String hash) { try { exec(String.format(INSERT_PLAYER, hash, gmail, name)); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("storePlayer"); } } private static final String GET_PLAYER_ID_FROM_HASH = "select _id from players where hash='%s';"; private static final String GET_PLAYER_ID_FROM_GMAIL = "select _id from players where gmail='%s';"; public int getPlayerId(boolean hash, String s) { int ret = NO_RECORD; String sql = (hash ? GET_PLAYER_ID_FROM_HASH : GET_PLAYER_ID_FROM_GMAIL); try { DatabaseCursor cursor = query(String.format(sql, s)); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {; ret = cursor.getInt(0); } } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("getPlayerId"); } return ret; } public int storePlayerGetId(String gmail, String name) { storePlayer(gmail, name); return getPlayerId(false, gmail); } private static final String UPDATE_BATTLE = "insert or replace into battles values (%d,'%s');"; public void storeBattle(int id, String name) { try { exec(String.format(UPDATE_BATTLE, id, name)); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("storeBattle"); } } private static final String INSERT_GAME = "insert or ignore into games(opponent,battle,mode) values (%d,%d,%d);"; public void storeGame(int opponent, int battle, int mode) { try { exec(String.format(INSERT_GAME, opponent, battle, mode)); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("storeGame"); } } private static final String GET_GAME_ID = "select _id from games where opponent=%d and battle=%d and mode=%d;"; public int getGameId(int opponent, int battle, int mode) { int ret = NO_RECORD; try { DatabaseCursor cursor = query(String.format(GET_GAME_ID, opponent, battle, mode)); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {; ret = cursor.getInt(0); } } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("getGameId"); } return ret; } public int storeGameGetId(int opponent, int battle, int mode) { storeGame(opponent, battle, mode); return getGameId(opponent, battle, mode); } private static final String INSERT_TURN = "insert into turns(game,player,hash,payload) values (%d,%d,'%s','%s');"; public boolean storeTurn(int game, int player, String payload) { try { String hash = getDigest(payload); if (hash == null) return false; exec(String.format(INSERT_TURN, game, player, hash, payload)); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("storeTurn"); return false; } return true; } private static final String GET_TURNS = "select payload from turns where game=%d order by _id;"; public String getTurns(int game) { String ret = null; try { DatabaseCursor cursor = query(String.format(GET_TURNS, game)); int n = cursor.getCount(); if (n <= 0) return null; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("["); while( { builder.append(cursor.getString(0)); builder.append(","); } builder.setCharAt((builder.length() - 1), ']'); ret = builder.toString(); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("getTurns"); } return ret; } private static final String UPDATE_GAME = "update games set ts=current_timestamp, player=%d, hash='%s', payload='%s' where _id=%d;"; public boolean storeGame(int game, int player, String payload) { RustAndDust.debug("storeGame"); try { String hash = getDigest(payload); if (hash == null) return false; exec(String.format(UPDATE_GAME, player, hash, payload, game)); } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("storeGame"); return false; } return true; } private static final String LOAD_GAME = "select g.payload from games g players g(where g._id=%d;"; public String loadGame(int game) { RustAndDust.debug("loadGame"); String r = null; try { DatabaseCursor cursor = query(String.format(LOAD_GAME, game)); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {; r = cursor.getString(0); } } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("loadGame"); } return r; } private static final String DELETE_GAME = "delete from games where _id=%d;"; private static final String DELETE_TURNS = "delete from turns where game=%d;"; public boolean deleteGame(GameRecord game) { RustAndDust.debug("deleteGame"); try { exec(String.format(DELETE_TURNS,; exec(String.format(DELETE_GAME,; } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("deleteGame"); return false; } return true; } private static final String GET_GAMES = "select g._id, g.opponent, g.battle, g.mode, g.ts, g.player,,, null, null" + " from games g inner join players p on (p._id=g.opponent) inner join battles b on (b._id=g.battle);"; public void loadGames() { RustAndDust.debug("loadGames"); GameRecord.clearList(); try { DatabaseCursor cursor = query(GET_GAMES); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { while( { GameRecord r = from(cursor); if (r != null) GameRecord.list.add(r); } } } catch (SQLiteGdxException e) { RustAndDust.error("loadGames"); } } private GameRecord from(DatabaseCursor cursor) { GameRecord r = GameRecord.get(); try { = cursor.getInt(0); r.opponent = cursor.getInt(1); r.battle = cursor.getInt(2); r.mode = GameMode.from(cursor.getInt(3)); try { r.ts = df.parse(cursor.getString(4)); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { r.ts = null; RustAndDust.error(String.format("can't parse", cursor.getString(4))); } r.currentPlayer = cursor.getInt(5); r.oName = cursor.getString(6); r.bName = cursor.getString(7); r.hash = cursor.getString(8); r.payload = cursor.getString(9); } catch (Exception e) { r.dispose(); RustAndDust.error("GameRecord from cursor"); } return r; } private void exec(String sql) throws SQLiteGdxException { if (debug) RustAndDust.debug(" SQL " + sql); db.execSQL(sql); } private DatabaseCursor query(String sql) throws SQLiteGdxException { if (debug) RustAndDust.debug(" SQL " + sql); DatabaseCursor c = db.rawQuery(sql); if (debug) RustAndDust.debug(String.format(" SQL -> %d", c.getCount())); return c; } }