package; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.engine.Orientation; import; import; import; import; import; public class StateMove extends StateCommon { enum State { SHOW, PATH, ROTATE, EXIT } private State state; private boolean enter; private boolean hqMode; private boolean notFirst; @Override public void enterFrom(StateType prevState) { state = State.SHOW; enter = false; hqMode = false; notFirst = false; map.pathsClear(); if (prevState == StateType.SELECT) { map.hexSelect(selectedHex); map.pathsInit(selectedUnit()); activate(selectedUnit()); if (to == null) { hqMode = true; map.movesShow(); } else { collectPaths(to); } } else if (prevState == StateType.REINFORCEMENT) { enter = true; map.hexSelect(selectedHex); map.pathsInit(selectedUnit()); if (selectedUnit().getMovementPoints() > 0) { map.movesCollect(selectedUnit()); map.movesShow(); } else { to = selectedHex; showRotation(to); collectPaths(to); } } else { notFirst = hqMode = true; selectNextUnit(); } if (hqMode) map.unitsActivableShow(); activeUnit().hideActiveable(); int n = (notFirst ? Buttons.DONE.b : 0); n |= (enter ? Buttons.ABORT.b : 0);; } @Override public boolean processMsg(MsgType msg, Object data) { switch(msg) { case OK: if (state == State.EXIT) { exit(); return true; } if (hqMode) { endHqMode(); return true; } break; case CANCEL: if (enter || (state == State.PATH) || (state == State.ROTATE)) { abortMove(); return true; } if (state == State.EXIT) { abortExit(); return true; } break; } return false; } @Override public void touch(Hex hex) { if (state == State.ROTATE) { if (hex == to) abortMove(); else { Orientation o = Orientation.fromAdj(to, hex); if (o != Orientation.KEEP) move(o); else if (hex == activeUnit().getHex()) abortMove(); } return; } if (hex == activeUnit().getHex()) { if (to != null) map.pathHide(to); map.pathsHide(); map.pathsClear(); map.pathsInit(activeUnit()); collectPaths(hex); return; } int s = map.pathsSize(); Unit unit = hex.getUnit(); if (map.unitsActivableContains(unit)) { if (unit != activeUnit()) selectUnit(unit); } else if ((s == 0) && map.movesContains(hex)) { collectPaths(hex); } else if ((s > 1) && hex == to) { s = map.pathsChooseBest(); if (s == 1) showRotation(to); } else if (map.pathsContains(hex)) { togglePoint(hex, s); } } private void selectNextUnit() { if (selectedUnit().canMove()) selectUnit(selectedUnit()); else selectUnit(map.getFirstActivable()); } private void selectUnit(Unit unit) { state = State.SHOW; if (activeUnit() != null ) { map.hexUnselect(activeUnit().getHex()); if (activeUnit().canMove()) activeUnit().showActiveable(); } to = null; activate(unit); activeUnit().hideActiveable(); map.hexSelect(activeUnit().getHex()); map.pathsClear(); map.pathsInit(activeUnit()); map.movesHide(); map.movesCollect(activeUnit()); map.movesShow(); ctrl.hud.notify(activeUnit().toString()); } private void collectPaths(Hex hex) { state = State.PATH; to = hex; map.movesHide(); map.hexMoveShow(to); if (!checkExit(to)) completePath();; } private void completePath() { int s = map.pathsBuild(to); if (cfg.autoPath && (s > 1)) s = map.pathsChooseBest(); map.pathsShow(); if (s == 1) showRotation(to); } private void togglePoint(Hex hex, int s) { map.pathsHide(); s = map.pathsToggleHex(hex); map.pathsShow(); if (s == 1) showRotation(to); } private boolean checkExit(Hex hex) { if (enter) return false; if ((activeUnit().exitZone == null) || !activeUnit().exitZone.contains(hex)) return false; int s = map.pathsBuild(to); if (!map.pathsCanExit(activeUnit().exitZone.orientation)) return false; if (map.pathsChooseExit(activeUnit().exitZone.orientation) > 1) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("pathsChooseExit() -> %d", map.pathsSize())); map.pathShow(hex); state = State.EXIT; ctrl.hud.askExitBoard(); return true; } private void showRotation(Hex hex) { state = State.ROTATE; map.movesHide(); map.pathsHide(); map.pathShow(hex); map.hexDirectionsShow(hex);; } private void move(Orientation o) { map.pathsSetOrientation(o); if (enter) completeMove(map.getEnterOrder(selectedUnit(), hqMode)); else completeMove(map.getMoveOrder(selectedUnit(), hqMode)); } private void exit() { if (map.pathsTo() == null) { map.pathsBuild(to); if (map.pathsChooseExit(activeUnit().exitZone.orientation) > 1) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("pathsChooseExit() -> %d", map.pathsSize())); } completeMove(map.getExitOrder(selectedUnit(), hqMode)); } private void completeMove(Order order) { map.pathHide(to); map.hexDirectionsHide(to); map.hexUnselect(selectedHex); if (order.cost == 0) ctrl.postOrder(order, StateType.MOVE); else ctrl.postOrder(order); } private void endHqMode() { if (selectedUnit().canMove()) selectedUnit().setMoved(); clear(); ctrl.postOrder(Order.END); } private void abortMove() { if (enter) { map.revertEnter(activeUnit()); ctrl.battle.getPlayer().revertUnitEntry(activeUnit()); ctrl.hud.update(); } clear(); if (notFirst) { // FIXME abortMove : cfg.revertAllMoves // if (cfg.revertAllMoves) { // map.revertMoves(); // ctrl.postTransitionToAborted(); // } else { selectUnit(activeUnit()); abortCompleted(); // } } else ctrl.postActionAborted(); } private void abortExit() { map.pathHide(to); if (to == null) { state = State.SHOW; } else { state = State.PATH; map.hexMoveShow(to); completePath(); } abortCompleted(); } private void abortCompleted() { if (hqMode) map.unitsActivableShow(); activeUnit().hideActiveable(); ? Buttons.DONE.b : 0)); } private void clear() { state = State.SHOW; map.movesHide(); map.pathsHide(); activeUnit().hideActiveable(); map.hexUnselect(activeUnit().getHex()); map.unitsActivableHide(); if (to != null) { map.pathHide(to); map.hexDirectionsHide(to); } map.pathsClear(); } }