package; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import; import; import; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.engine.gfx.Animation; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.ui.Position; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.ui.Bg; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.ui.Msg; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.ui.OkCancel; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.ui.Widget; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.asynk.rustanddust.RustAndDust; public class Hud implements Disposable, Animation { public static final float OFFSET = 10f; public static final float NOTIFY_DURATION = 2f; private static final float CLOSE_DELAY = 0.8f; private final RustAndDust game; private final Ctrl ctrl; public PlayerInfo playerInfo; public ActionButtons actionButtons; private float delay; private boolean delayOn; private Msg msg; private Bg optionsBtn; private OptionsPanel optionsPanel; private StatisticsPanel stats; private EngagementPanel engagement; private OkCancel okCancel; private ArrayDeque dialogs = new ArrayDeque(); public enum OkCancelAction { EXIT_BOARD, ABORT_TURN, END_DEPLOYMENT, EXIT_BATTLE, } private OkCancelAction okCancelAction; public Hud(final RustAndDust game) { = game; this.ctrl = game.ctrl; this.delayOn = false; TextureAtlas hudAtlas = game.factory.hudAtlas; playerInfo = new PlayerInfo(game); actionButtons = new ActionButtons(game); actionButtons.hide(); msg = new Msg(game.font, game.bgPatch, 20f); okCancel = new OkCancel(game.font, game.bgPatch, game.factory.getHudRegion(game.factory.ACT_DONE), game.factory.getHudRegion(game.factory.ACT_ABORT)); optionsBtn = new Bg(game.factory.getHudRegion(game.factory.ACT_OPTIONS)); optionsPanel = new OptionsPanel(game); stats = new StatisticsPanel(game); engagement = new EngagementPanel(game); } @Override public void dispose() { playerInfo.dispose(); actionButtons.dispose(); msg.dispose(); okCancel.dispose(); optionsBtn.dispose(); optionsPanel.dispose(); stats.dispose(); engagement.dispose(); } public void resize(int left, int bottom, int width, int height) { Position.update(left, bottom, width, height); playerInfo.updatePosition(); actionButtons.updatePosition(); msg.updatePosition(); okCancel.updatePosition(); optionsBtn.setPosition(ctrl.battle.getHudPosition().verticalMirror().horizontalMirror()); optionsPanel.updatePosition(); stats.updatePosition(); engagement.updatePosition(); } public void update() { Position position = ctrl.battle.getHudPosition(); playerInfo.update(ctrl.battle.getPlayer(), position); actionButtons.update(position.horizontalMirror()); optionsBtn.setPosition(position.verticalMirror().horizontalMirror()); } @Override public boolean animate(float delta) { if (delayOn) { delay -= delta; if (delay < 0f) { delayOver(); } } msg.animate(delta); playerInfo.animate(delta); engagement.animate(delta); return false; } public void draw(Batch batch, boolean debug) { draw(batch); if (debug) game.font.draw(batch, String.format("FPS: %d - %s",,, 80, 25); } @Override public void draw(Batch batch) { playerInfo.draw(batch); actionButtons.draw(batch); msg.draw(batch); okCancel.draw(batch); optionsBtn.draw(batch); optionsPanel.draw(batch); stats.draw(batch); engagement.draw(batch); } @Override public void drawDebug(ShapeRenderer debugShapes) { playerInfo.drawDebug(debugShapes); actionButtons.drawDebug(debugShapes); msg.drawDebug(debugShapes); okCancel.drawDebug(debugShapes); optionsBtn.drawDebug(debugShapes); optionsPanel.drawDebug(debugShapes); stats.drawDebug(debugShapes); engagement.drawDebug(debugShapes); } public void pushNotify(String s) { notify(s, NOTIFY_DURATION, Position.TOP_CENTER, true); } public void notify(String s) { notify(s, NOTIFY_DURATION, Position.TOP_CENTER, false); } public void pushNotify(String s, Position pos) { notify(s, NOTIFY_DURATION, pos, true); } public void notify(String s, Position pos) { notify(s, NOTIFY_DURATION, pos, false); } public void notify(String s, float duration, Position position, boolean push) { if (push) msg.pushWrite(s, duration, position); else msg.write(s, duration, position); } public boolean drag(float x, float y, int dx, int dy) { return playerInfo.drag(x, y, dx, dy); } public boolean hit(float x, float y, boolean isInAnimation) { if (optionsBtn.hit(x, y)) { if (toggleOptionsPanel()) game.playType(); return true; } if (dialogs.size() > 0) { Widget dialog = dialogs.peek(); if (dialog.hit(x, y)) { closeDialog(); return true; } return false; } if (isInAnimation) return false; if (actionButtons.hit(x, y)) { game.playType(); return true; } else if (playerInfo.hit(x, y)) { game.playType(); return true; } return false; } private void closeDialog() { Widget dialog = dialogs.pop(); dialog.visible = false; if (dialog == okCancel) { boolean ok = false; if (okCancel.ok) { ok = true; game.playEnter(); } else game.playType(); if (ok) { if (this.okCancelAction == OkCancelAction.EXIT_BATTLE) ctrl.postEvent(Ctrl.EventType.EXIT_BATTLE); else ctrl.sendMsg(Ctrl.MsgType.OK); } else ctrl.sendMsg(Ctrl.MsgType.CANCEL); } else if (dialog == stats) { game.playEnter(); ctrl.postEvent(Ctrl.EventType.EXIT_BATTLE); } else game.playType(); if (dialogs.size() > 0) dialogs.peek().visible = true; else ctrl.blockMap = false; } public void notifyAnimationsDone() { delay = CLOSE_DELAY; delayOn = true; } private void delayOver() { delayOn = false; Widget dialog = dialogs.peek(); if (dialog == engagement) closeDialog(); } public boolean dialogActive() { return (dialogs.size() > 0); } private void pushDialog(Widget dialog) { ctrl.blockMap = true; if (dialogs.size() != 0) dialogs.peek().visible = false; dialogs.push(dialog); } private boolean toggleOptionsPanel() { if (dialogs.size() > 0) { if (dialogs.peek() != optionsPanel) return false; optionsPanel.close(); closeDialog(); } else {; pushDialog(optionsPanel); } return true; } public void askExitBoard() { this.okCancelAction = OkCancelAction.EXIT_BOARD;"Do you want this unit to escape the battle field ?"); pushDialog(okCancel); } public void askEndOfTurn() { this.okCancelAction = OkCancelAction.ABORT_TURN;"You still have Action Points left.\nEnd your Turn anyway ?"); pushDialog(okCancel); } public void askEndDeployment() { this.okCancelAction = OkCancelAction.END_DEPLOYMENT;"Deployment unit count reached.\nEnd Deployment phase ?"); pushDialog(okCancel); } public void askExitBattle() { this.okCancelAction = OkCancelAction.EXIT_BATTLE;"Exit this battle ?"); pushDialog(okCancel); } public void engagementSummary(Engagement e) {, Position.BOTTOM_CENTER, game.config.fxVolume); pushDialog(engagement); } public void victory(Player winner, Player loser) {, loser, Position.MIDDLE_CENTER); pushDialog(stats); } }